Friday, July 13, 2012

***A BIG thanks to Nat for letting me use his internet stick because mine has been broken for the last two weeks. And he let me eat some of his Dark Fantasy cookies last night, so there's that too***

So the last two weeks have been action packed in the sense that Steph, Nat and I now have a project to work on. We are incorporating a women's health initiative in with our marketing expansion of the Self Help Group. By the end of the summer, we will have hopefully worked with them to set up a boutique connection to sell their embroidered handbags, a connection with a supplier of school uniforms, and finally, a design for them to stitch female sanitary pads. These pads will be an eco-friendly, natural, cheap, and made available for village and city women who are currently using various unhealthy things to deal with their menstruation; synthetic pads (which take ~500 years to decompose) to dirty rags... Our project was inspired by Lakshmi Murthy, an incredible woman and a "pad freak" who has been pushing for a more sustainable and healthy way for women to not be ashamed of menstruation. She's won a Mcarther grant and is getting her phd in Bodily exertions, odd but awesome.  Look her up, you'll find some neat stuff. 

In other news, I caved in to the heat, spicy food, foreign bacteria, special lasses, and lack of sleep. Last Friday I feinted as I got ready for work, was scolded by my host mom, ushered to bed. After about 22 hours of sleep I was feeling much better. Tip to those who want to visit India in the future: Eat out as little as possible, the refrigerators are often turned off and on during power cuts which makes milk products and meat pretty unsafe to eat at restaurants during the summer. You can stay safe by eating vegetarian dishes. They are incredible and my auntie is an AMAZING cook, Again she tries to make me feel at home by cooking me pizza for breakfast : ) I really miss fish, and chicken, and beef,... and beer. At this point I am slightly questioning why I didn't study abroad in the Czech Republic.

It is still so hot that my red shirts are dying my skin red. When I get home and change, I look like I have a horrible sunburn. The next day, when I sweat, my dyed skin turns my white shirts pink... #IndiaProblems. But it has gotten better because the Monsoons have come! Each day it is cloudy and looks like it will rain, when it does, it pores all day, making everything muddy and wonderful. After getting caught in the rain with Nat, I was finally wise enough to buy an umbrella.

This weekend we are going to jaipur, just the 17 Gesi interns! We are leaving at 10 pm to take the overnight bus, and then coming back Sunday night. Hopefully we get to ride elephants!

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